Monday, September 1, 2008

Back To School

Okay, so I know I'm behind and this post should have been here last week but we have had such a busy summer. I think I might be glad it's over!
CJ and Caleb started school last week. They are now my BIG second and first graders. I can't believe they are getting so big. Everyone always says--"Oh the time goes by so fast, your kids grow up too soon". When they are keeping you up all hours of the night and throwing two-year-old tantrums you think-"Yeah, right!".
But it's true. Frankly, I have a hard time believing I'm old enough to have a second grader, let alone two kids in elementary school! And Gabe is just starting to get into the "terrible twos". I think this will be an interesting year.
But we did have fun getting the kids Red Sox backpacks. We had a little hang up when one of the back packs we ordered ended up being junior size. It wasn't even big enough for a folder to fit in. We took it in stride and "handed it down" to Gabe and ordered another one. Now all three boys are the happy owners of Red Sox backpacks! Hopefully this will be a great school year.
Soon to and post of the most recent camping trip!

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